Experience Troy Magazine

LIZ KARG “As a small business owner, there is only so much I can do within the walls of my business to bring people through the doors to experience Biggby. I joined the Chamber so that I could connect with people as well as grow relationships that could benefit the local community. A small and established community, such as Troy, can only be as strong as its smallest business, so why shouldn't we support them from Day 1? The Troy Chamber most certainly has supported me and my endeavors since my doors have opened and I aim to continue to build and give back through the resources and relationships I have made through this great network.” BIGGBY COFFEE- TROY “I joined the Troy Chamber of Commerce two years ago when TMobile for Business changed my territory to Troy and several of the surrounding cities. The reason I joined was because, in talking with several of my customers and prospects, they had nothing but great things to say about the Troy Chamber, its executives and staff, as well as how it has benefited the growth and exposure of their businesses. I also spoke with my wife who was a past board member of another local Chamber and she had nothing but glowing things to say about the Troy Chamber. That literally sold me because she doesn’t just throw out compliments like that. “ “I reached out to Sheila Denstaedt, Vice President and my Sales Manager, Brian Buell and I scheduled a meeting with her at their office. Sheila was great in explaining all of the benefits and was such a delight. She also, introduced us to the President and CEO, Tara Tomcsik -Husak, and after meeting them both, we were sold on joining. It’s been a great experience ever since. “ DAVID E. LAGRANDE T-MOBILE FOR BUSINESS My clients have needs that I don’t provide, but I know I have contacts through the Troy Chamber, that I can refer my clients to and know they will be treated and taken care of with the same high level of professionalism and commitment as I provide them. And...my Chamber contacts make me look damn good in the process. The connections I have made here allow me to continue to grow my business and provide everything my clients need. CHUCK VERCELLONE WEALTH STRATEGIES GROUP, LLC IT'S NOT WHERE YOU WORK, IT'S WHERE YOU WANT TO DO BUSINESS. With an unmatched dedication to helping businesses grow, the Troy Chamber provides a diverse package of benefits to its members. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, scan the QR code to join today! 650+ 90+ Member Businesses Events per year Connections & Opportunities VIEW THIS GUIDE ONLINE AT TROYCHAMBER.COM ❙ 19